7 Myths About Back Function” ~ by Dr Stuart McGillDr. McGil, professor of spine bio-mechanics at the University of Waterloo, brings clarity to 7 myths about back exercises and pain https://youtu.be/033ogPH6NNE Photo Source: University of Waterloo - KINESIOLOGY AND HEALTH SCIENCES#backpain #lisakessig #mycambridgehealth #serenitykneaded #galtmassagetherapy
Dr. McGil, professor of spine bio-mechanics at the University of Waterloo, brings clarity to 7 myths about back exercises and pain https://youtu.be/033ogPH6NNE Photo Source: University of Waterloo - KINESIOLOGY AND HEALTH SCIENCES#backpain #lisakessig #mycambridgehealth #serenitykneaded #galtmassagetherapy